Making a Real Impact Through Education and Awareness
Web Ability is devoted to joining the disability community in educating the world about the importance of inclusivity and web accessibility. We are proud to share the impact that our ongoing efforts are making.

Disability Impacts Us All
1 in 4
Adults in the US live with a disability
Percentage of US Adults with Disabilities, by Type
Our Vision and Impact
Changing misconceptions so that business owners will understand the values of accessibility and inclusion
Educating business audiences that narrowing the web accessibility gap is now more attainable than ever
We raise awareness to millions of readers about the importance of web accessibility for business owners and how they can leverage technology to prioritize becoming more inclusive and accessible even if they have vast or don’t have almost any resources.

Ensuring that the disability community is a vital part of the future of every aspect of web accessibility
Employing and involving people with disabilities in all our product testing and development
Since day one, people with disabilities are working with Web Ability on our solutions and services through testing, development, deployment, and updates. Whether full-time employees or part of our focus groups, the voices of our end-users are part of our product decisions. In addition, we employ people with disabilities and end-users on all educational and awareness initiatives.

Educating the public about the importance of web accessibility and inclusion through social media influencers
Influencer partnership with the leading agency for influencers with disabilities
We partnered with talented influencers representing various disability communities such as blindness, motor impairments, cognitive disabilities, and more. By creating high-quality, compelling content, our influencers can educate their followers about web accessibility and the importance of an inclusive web.

Enhancing nonprofit organizations’ impact through ongoing support
Providing services to disability-focused nonprofit organizations
We believe that supporting nonprofits in helping the progress of their communities is a top priority, and therefore, Web Ability is dedicating many resources to nonprofits, most of them disability-focused. A dedicated team provides complementary support and services for nonprofit organizations to educate and assist their communities in advancing web accessibility.

Find out now if your website is
WCAG & ADA compliant